Welcome to my site about Hyacinth Vases

LInnocence hyacinth bulbs in hyacinth vases

I love hyacinth vases. I love forcing bulbs. I love growing things. I love cats. All these things come together in my web sites: this site about the hyacinth vases themselves, gardenwithindoors where I blog about using the hyacinth vases to force bulbs and gardenwithoutdoors where I blog about my gardening efforts and you will see my cats feature quite a lot, indoors and outdoors.

hyacinths cat windowsill

January 2025

Byzanta Ware hyacinth vases, also see the Ceramic Hyacinth Vases and Byzanta Ware 2024 pages

The plain orange vase on the right is my latest Byzanta Ware hyacinth vase. I only realised yesterday that the inside glaze is blue not orange unlike the other two.

byzanta ware hyacinth vases

white glass vase with red trailing

I found this white vase with red trailing decoration on ebay. I don't know if it's an "official" hyacinth vase (I suspect it's not) but I am using it as a hyacinth vase. It's rather small so only suitable for smaller hyacinth bulbs. I used a hyacinth bulb from Sainsbury's this year. They do a pack of 12 bulbs, no specified varieties and not prepared for forcing.

in full bloom end of December

forced hyacinth in vase

a few days before that

forced hyacinth in vase

the vase is 14 cm tall, trailing hand-applied and uneven - but I love that

white Victorian vase with red trailing

white Victorian vase with red trailing

white Victorian vase with red trailing

white Victorian vase with red trailing

vase from the top, 6.5 cm across, delightfully handmade

white Victorian vase with red trailing

base with snapped off pontil mark (ignore the number, that's for my records)

white Victorian vase with red trailing

Byzanta Ware hyacinth vases

I was lucky enough to find another Byzanta Ware hyacinth vase on ebay this week. I have never found anything about these - aside from my own experiences.

byzanta ware hyacinth vase

gold rim, unlike my other two

byzanta ware hyacinth vase

base with Byzanta Ware mark, including Grimwade's Stoke-on-Trent

byzanta ware hyacinth vase

I also a blue lustre and an orange flowered Byzanta Ware hyacinth vases.

byzanta ware hyacinth vases

byzanta ware hyacinth vases

base of the orange flowered vase

byzanta ware hyacinth vase

base of the blue lustre vase

byzanta ware hyacinth vase

glassroots hyacinth vase

I found this on ebay recently and recognised it as a glassroots hyacinth vase although it is unmarked. I feel sure it is glassroots as the shape, weight and even the water staining which the glassroots vases seem to suffer from is so distinctive of the glassroots vases. I also have a lime green one unsigned of this shorter vase and a cranberry signed glassroots taller vase. Will photograph them all together. 

purple glassroots hyacinth vase

purple glassroots hyacinth vase

purple glassroots hyacinth vase

crocus vases

I bought a few crocus vases recently (3 on the right) and wanted to compare crocus vase shapes. Left to right, a common crocus vase shape. I have 10 of these vases. A slightly larger vase, I have 4 of these. Cranberry glassroots crocus vase, similar to the glassroots hyacinth vase. Clear vase, similar to the glassroots but lighter and thinner glass. Uranium acorn? vase. I just bought it on ebay so have not tried it with a crocus bulb but it seems smaller than even the other small vases so maybe for acorns.

crocus vases

no sooner than I took the photo above, I found a few more vases in the cellar, the black vase in the centre is by Haven Pottery (see label below), the engraved amber vase on the left I have used in past years for crocus forcing, the Dartington vase next, not sure I've used or not - must organise the crocus forcing better so I have all the vases organised and ready at the right time in August / September when I have crocus bulbs to start

crocus vases

The Haven Pottery crocus vase label on the base, I think I bought this in the past year but forgot about it and didn't use it for a crocus bulb this year, will try to next year

Haven Pottery crocus vase base

polished pontil mark on the base of the engraved amber vase

amber engraved crocus vase polished pontil base

I also bought the cranberry vase below with "prong" trailing and other vases for size comparison.

hyacinth and crocus vase

all my previous crocus vases

crocus vases

I have never seen clear versions of these hyacinth vases. I was wondering their vintage. They don't seem to be very modern. Cobalt blue vase to the right for comparison.

hyacinth vases

Victorian vases with pronged trailing

I don't know the correct term for this vase decoration or if there even is a term for it, I call it "pronged".

cranberry hyacinth vase with pronged trailing

I just got this cranberry vase and realised I have a few other vases with this type of decoration, all of which I use for hyacinth forcing. I don't know if it's an "official" hyacinth vase (i.e. made for forcing hyacinths) but I think it might be, the yellow vase I don't know either although I suspect not and the two on the right I don't think were made as hyacinth forcing vases although those prongs seem perfect - to me - for holding a hyacinth bulb.

vases with pronged trailing

I put the blue squat vase next to the cranberry vase to show relative sizes. I don't have any more hyacinth bulbs to use this year to try the new one but it seems a perfect size and shape to me and I will definitely be using it next year. When there's snow outside and it's so cold is the best time to have hyacinths growing inside.

hyacinth vases with pronged trailing

cranberry hyacinth vase snapped off pontil mark

September 2022

It's the time of year to start thinking about hyacinth vases and forcing hyacinths in them, especially for Christmas. I ordered my hyacinth bulbs the end of July . I've bought a few hyacinth vases on ebay recently - totally unnecessary as I have lots of hyacinth vases but I just couldn't resist.

hyacinth vases

Looking at each in detail, my regular blog readers will know I have a particular love of terracotta hyacinth vases and have a few of them but I didn't have this kind until I bought this Prattware hyacinth vase on ebay. I recognised the pattern as I have another piece in the range, a tobacco jar I think, must dig out a photo.

prattware hyacinth vase

Prattware hyacinth vase

cobalt blue Victorian teardrop hyacinth vase

cobalt blue hyacinth vase

Broste Copenhagen jack-in-the-pulpit hyacinth vases. I loved these since I first saw other examples on ebay years ago and was lucky enough to find some on ebay. So was happy to find these on ebay recently.

amber Broste Copenhagen jack-in-the-pulpit hyacinth vases

February 2022

Quite happy to use anything that will hold a hyacinth bulb above water, in this case a vintage pickle jar. These Blue Jacket hyacinths have been great this year, a few have had double stems.

vintage pickle jar as a hyacinth vase

another improvised hyacinth vase in the centre, it's small but has enough room for the roots, more usual hyacinth vases either side

Blue Jacket forced hyacinths

January 2022

I enjoy using my antique and vintage hyacinth vases - and the odd modern one - and vases that aren't even hyacinth vases - whatever takes my fancy.

vintage and antique hyacinth vases

I have 90-some hyacinth vases so most of the year they are in boxes in my cellar. After using them for forcing and washing them out before I put them away, is a time to enjoy the vases themselves without any distractions. These tall hand-blown 19th century vases are my favourite, especially in cobalt blue. I do wish my camera could capture the colour better - an intense purpley blue. Some of the amethyst vases are exquisite as well. Amber is not my favourite haycinth vase colour but this vase on the left is such a great example of a hand-blown antique hyacinth vase, I still love it.

antique hyacinth vase

I'm lucky enough to have some short vases in that intense cobalt blue colour. My photo may not show it but there is variation in the colour of these, some are purple / blue some a more ordinary blue. (this photo was taken in January before these hyacinths bloomed)

squat cobalt blue hyacinth vases

black hyacinth vase, my latest purchase, a terracotta vase painted with very shiny black paint and transfer designs, 3 figures around the vase

black painted terracotta hyacinth vase

black painted terracotta hyacinth vase

black painted terracotta hyacinth vase

black painted terracotta hyacinth vase

Two's Company hyacinth vase

two's company hyacinth vase

each side of the box

two's company hyacinth vase box

two's company hyacinth vase box

two's company hyacinth vase box

two's company hyacinth vase box

two's company hyacinth vase box

two's company hyacinth vase box

Two's Company also produced this design

two's company hyacinth vase


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